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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Changing the Old to New

We are very sad to say goodbye to the outgoing volunteers -- Sarah Youngren, Jimmy Macaulay, Kristina Dickson, Dan Rapp, Lindsey Kramer, and Curt Youngren.  Thank you all so very much for your hard work, your caring, your friendship, and tenacity while at Tern.

We also welcome our new Assistant Manager, Meg Duhr Schultz, and our two new volunteers, Erin Kawakami and Scott Sturdivant, and the Turtle Crew members Irene Nurzia Humburg and Tyler Bogardus.  Along with the folks still on Tern (Manager Paula Hartzell and seal crew Shawn Farry, Mark Sullivan, Brendan Hurley, and Ben Cook), these folks will make up the summer crew here on Tern. 

The Searcher (of 'Lost' and 'Voyage to Kure' fame) offload at French Frigate Shoals on Sunday.  
NMFS seal crew members load gear into their Montauk at the stern.
Sarah Youngren with just some of the many, many buckets of supplies we offloaded from the Searcher to Tern Island.  We depend on these offloads for food, equipment, supplies -- anything and everything we eat, drink, use, sleep in or on, or use for work -- so these offloads are very important!
Speed offload!!!! Sarah Youngren, Jimmy Macaulay and Dan Rapp demonstrates the fastest safest offload technique in history.  (The others were busy hustling buckets to the barracks, and putting things away.)  
Team Tern 2011
The New and the Old:  Outgoing and Incoming Crews.  Top Row:  Ben Cook, a Searcher Crewmember, Mark Sullivan and Brendan Hurley.  Second Row:  Erin Kawakami, Scott Sturdivant and Dan Rapp.  Third Row:  Curt Youngren and Linsdey Kramer.  Fourth Row:  James Macaulay, Kristina Dickson and Sarah Youngren.  Bottom Row:  Paula Hartzell and Meg Duhr Schultz.  (Not pictured:  Incoming Turtle Techs Irene Nurzia Humburg and Tyler Bogardus.)  E komo mai!  
"We love you and miss you!!!" from the fledgling leaving Tern Island to the volunteers leaving Tern Island. (Photo by Sarah Youngren)

1 comment:

  1. Love the photo of the new crew - thank you for posting!


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