The weather has been rain, rain, rain, but the Termites have been accomplishing a lot this week – both humans, birds and seals.
French Frigate Shoals was highlighted in newspaper articles from Honolulu to New York, after the release of information of the discovery of the Nantucket whaling ship Two Brothers by NOAA in 2008. The ship wrecked off of Shark Island on February 11, 1812. News reports are at these websites:
A vagrant gull we’ve seen the past few weeks was identified by Peter Pyle/Bishop Museum as a Herring Gull, probably the
Larus argentatus vegae subspecies from Siberia. They will be using photos that Sarah Youngren took, with credit to FWS, for the
Museum’s Herring Gull webpage. This subspecies has been documented several times at Kure, Midway, and French Frigate Shoals in the past. Go Sarah!
Fifteen seals were observed during this week’s seal walk. This week’s identified seals were 1, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 12 years old – a really young age spread for FFS, which we’re delighted to see.
Gratuitous 'ilio holo i ka uaua photo |
We finished checking the 2011 adult albatross monitoring data, and here’s what we got: 5,092 black-footed albatross nesters, 5, 166 Laysan albatross nesters, and 13,290 adult albatross total!!! Considering we read each albatross' band twice, that was quite an effort. This is good news; both species had modest increases in nesting attempts since last year. Both species have been slowly increasing in numbers on Tern since the mid-1990s, albeit Laysan numbers are much more erratic from year to year than BFALs.
Okay, seriously – Try to deny this Laysan Albatross is the cutest thing you’ve ever seen.
The result of albatross nesting -- The albatross chicks are big enough that the parents are leaving them alone for short periods of time. These little guys just hatched a month ago, and this little moli is sitting up 20 cm (8”) high already.
A red-tailed tropicbird (koaʻe o Kū, or bird of Kū) on Tern Island. Sufficiently shady nesting habitat has been reporting as the limiting factor for tropicbirds at other locations. This species’ reproductive effort has dropped drastically over the past decade, perhaps due to reduced nesting sites as shrubs die off on Tern. We’re currently working to increase the shrub cover on Tern. (Photo by FWS Volunteer Sarah Youngren.)
Wednesday was ‘Cut Wires Day’ on Tern. Once a month, we go around the island, cutting and removing wires that erode from the shoreline, removing entanglement hazards for wildlife. The crew collected roughly 100 pounds of wire and related debris. Among other things, the crew came back with the biggest, brassiest insulator we’ve ever seen. Anyone know what this was used for?
Kristina Dickson, with assistance from Jimmy Macaulay, painted some beautiful murals on the bedroom walls here at Tern -- The last person to do great wildlife murals here like this was Patrick Ching, when he served as a Tern volunteer. Kristina has been fixing up the barracks rooms before additional volunteers arrive; her efforts are greatly appreciated by those living on Tern. Of course, now we all want a mural in our rooms... They are truly amazing.
painting by Kristina Dickson |
painting by Kristina Dickson |
Kristina Dickson painting humu mural. Photo by Melinda Conners. |
Safety First! Melinda taught us how to operate the HF radio, and then Team Tern practiced with the Miller Board. I must say, they seem to be enjoying this a bit too much… Clockwise from bottom left: FWS Volunteers Melinda Conners, Kristina Dickson, James Macaulay, Sarah Youngren, and Dan Rapp. FWS staff member Paula Hartzell tied to board.
Life on Tern. |